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  • Live Weather Data in Real-Time (Source: mapbox)
  • Mark up the world using beacons (Source: Google)
  • Where are the Jobs? (Source: Robert Manduca)


Our Top 5: from Beacons Service to Awesome Conferences Worldwide

As every week, we want to share the top 5 findings our team collected to get new impulses and inspiration.

1. What makes a conference awesome - and which conferences should not be missed out worldwide? Choose the right event from an awesome list of awesome conferences. (And yes: We are very proud JS Unconf  is mentioned,a conference mainly driven forward by part of our team and sponsored by Ubilabs)

2. In Germany the police registers an increasing number of domestic burglaries, the detection  rate is very low. At the same time, the number of violent crimes decreased. This map shows the situation of your region.

3. On Mapbox you can see how to convert live weather data into maps that update in real-time.

4. Beacons are simple devices that send one-way Bluetooth low energy (BLE) signals. These signals can be read by nearby Bluetooth-enabled devices. Google developed a beacon platform that enables contextual experiences for your users through interactions with BLE beacons.

5. And last but not least: A beautiful map that shows how and which jobs are allocated in the US (2010).